DERMAtology - the study of drag

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Blogger Contest

Thank you to all of you who did not vote for me. I was nervous about the first round of the contest. So I promised you some Toby's it goes.

Yours truly has been performing at Toby's with a nasty boil on the back of my thigh, if Mark had this I am sure there would be a picture of it, but I can't do that to you all....too gross. Well I went to the doctor on Thursday and she put me on 2 antibioitcs and took a culture of a smaller boil, it had spread, so I am still waiting for it to clear up. I have been in pain, but sweeties the show must go on as well as the waiting shifts, and we all know they are the most important things about dinner theatre. I have no other real dish, oh yeah I ate some of Judy Abrams chicken the other night, thats a no-no, I think it gave me the squirts, on no thats the spinach phunque!

I hope in coming days somebody at the theatre does something I can put on the blog. Sorry it isn't too exciting, sweeties. I did give myself a black eye, sort of....the headphones I wear in the show snapped on me and hit the bone right below my eye, so not only do I have a huge boil that hurts but also a black eye. I wonder if it's the theatre?

Till next time,


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